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      To be clear what ‘blacklisting’ is, here is a definition:       
 'blacklisted'  noun. A list of persons or organizations that have incurred disapproval or suspicion or are to be boycotted or otherwise penalized.   v. blacklisted, blacklisting, blacklists  

* Details of how I/we were blacklisted/boycotted are attached to this website with links to my legal documents.



'Please Help'
‘Please Help’

October to December 1996: During this time period my grandchildren, Jonathan and Charlene Dobson were in their mother’s care. As I have told you I began to have serious concerns about the children and telephoned protection services asking them to investigate my concerns of their being neglected and even being abused. So they had Charlene examined at the beginning of December and a parental agreement was put in place for my daughter. My worries continued as described in my legal documents.

March 22, 1997 – My husband and I took Charlene into our care and Jonathan was brought to us less than 72 hours later. An investigation due to the allegations began.

Physical injuries were found on their bodies by me and Dr. Ruthnum, pediatrician who examined Charlene a couple of nights earlier just happened to not see them or ignored them since they were never documented. I was present when he came to emergency late in the evening and he was in a hurry.

I noted that he never examined her body. I called him back to examine her ankles as I noted bruising and sores on them. In poor light he looked at the outside of her right ankle and noted a sore healing and claimed it was impetigo.

She had no impetigo at that time as a primary lesion would likely be found on another area such as around the mouth, nose or genitalia-diaper area and not on ankles. So it was when I was bathing Charlene a day or so later I noted more injuries on her body. I also examined Jonathan who now was with us.  Jonathan was 7 months old.  I discovered triangular shape marks on his upper back which were like Charlene’s except they were superficial except.  The bruised marks around his ankles were more pronounced than Charlene’s.

At the time I didn’t know that these marks were ligature marks nor did I know about the burns on them being caused by ‘a hot knife’, because Charlene at this point was too afraid to tell me.

Right after discovering these injuries I notified the Protection Worker who set-up a parental agreement with their mother as well as the Corporal assigned earlier.

They never called back to let me know when they would be seen. The protection worker kept telling me that they were trying to arrange for them to be examined and couldn’t get a room arranged. This sounded rather ‘fishy’ to me. I got the same response each time I called. Yet as a retired nurse and therapist I knew this was an excuse – a very poor one at that!

April 14, 1997: 

This was the day that both Charlene and Jonathan were examined at the sexual abuse clinic for children at Regina General Hospital.  It was 21 days after I reported the children’s injuries.  They were to be examined within 24 hours of  their receiving a report such as this and 72 hours at the outside.  It was approximately 502 hours later.  They did this in the hope that their injuries would no longer be there.  In case they were they could frame my husband and I, claiming their injuries happened sometime between the 21 days in which they were in our care. This was unconscionable – but they did it!  This greatly added to our trauma over what was unfolding and it was unbelievable.

ZERO BULLYINGMay, 1997: Finally after being forced to take Charlene for supervised visits with her mom due to their threatening to apprehend them from us, I did it.   I continued to deal with Charlene being re-traumatized from these visits and she was regressing.  I was not sleeping much being up so many nights with her.   Seeing this I would no longer expose Charlene to these visits nor would I be intimidated and bullied.  I went on the offensive and threatened them with a lawsuit.

  • Charlene’s disclosures were not believed by this ministry.  It is reported by my daughter, their mother whom they supported in believing her, that protection services believed the disclosures “came mainly from the grandmother” (as reported in Justice McIntyre’s fiat).  His fiat is posted at Charlene’s website http://www.

They concluded that there was no evidence to support our disclosures and claims. They were trying to make sure there was NO EVIDENCE because they never secured some of it and ignored and denied what evidence they had.

January 1998:  This ministry saw me as the enemy because I took a stand with them.  They did not support us for receiving interim custody of Charlene & Jonathan, but supported Charlene’s dad to apply for custody of her.  Her mother was charged with sexual abuse of her, along with her boyfriend at that time but this was just a ‘smokescreen’ because the charges against them were dropped.

They knew that Charlene had named her dad as one of her abusers but they determined that it was her mom’s boyfriend she was referring to as her dad and went ahead to support him. * Charlene knew who her dad was as he was in her life up until we took her into our care. She was 4 years old when she named him and her claims remained the same.

My husband and I had to ensure that her dad would never get custody of her and also split-up her from her brother Jonathan. We also never wanted her to get custody, should they drop the charges against her.

So this would never happen, we had to get a lawyer and hired Mary Lou Senko. 

February 1998: Mary Lou went to court on our behalf.  Thankfully Justice Dickson was on the bench. Without hesitation he gave us legal custody (interim) of Jonathan and Charlene and put in place a No Contact Order against Charlene’s parents. Thanks to both of you!

September 1998: The charges that were laid against Charlene’s mother and her boyfriend, were dropped. The Crown made this decision after the pretrial.

* I was a witness at her boyfriend’s pretrial. After my testimony the judge (whose name I can not recall) said: “I’ve heard enough, the matter can go to trial!”. But even after it was set for trial, the prosecution team dropped the charges (stayed) – can you figure why?

After all of this Protection Services were working with Destiny through a parental agreement ‘to get her children back’, denying that she’d hurt her children and was ‘a risk’ to them. They even discounted Destiny’s mental health diagnosis stating ‘we never saw her dissociate or have alter personalities’.

I was traumatized myself.  I knew I had to do something positive to help young adults ‘at risk’ ike my daughter.  I was grieving the loss of my relationship with my daughter but was grieving more for Charlene and Jonathan losing their mother because I had to protect them for her.

So I focused on developing an ‘intensive, holistic integrated program’ to offer rehabilitation to those like Destiny could become safe, nurturing and loving parent(s) and break the cycles of addictions, crime, broken lives and families.  If they lost their children they’d have an opportunity ‘to get their children back’.  The programs available were only band-aide solutions.  ths program would be a 10 month course and would be ongoing where milestones would be reached as they healed and became grounded /stable.

I realized that without such a program, she and those like her, would never get their children back.

Both Charlene and Jonathan had defunct fathers. My grandchildren now had no mother and father.  I was estranged from my daughter, seeing no reconciliation in the near future and our grief was raw and we needed HELP – not more grief.


The idea for The Anchorage Counselling & Rehabilitation Center Inc.was founded in 1992.eastquoddy4_2008

This picture is the East Quoddy lighthouse on the Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick, Canada that became our logo. 

Our place was to be a refuge where our clients or participants and their families could feel secure and safe while they healed as ‘the bruised reeds’ of our nation.

The travesty is that in the end this ministry and their cohorts ensured The Anchorage would ‘go under’ along with us and it became a ‘den of thieves’ representing chaos and heartache.





Two rehabilitation programs operated from this organization.

The first program was called:

A Focus on the Future-Guiding the Young (1998-1999).

This program was very successful but was boycotted by the Minister of Social Services who maligned me/us to their federal funding partner Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC) as detailed in my attached legal documents.

The second program was called:

Healing the Nation-One Family At A Time (2000-2002).

The Saskatchewan Ministry of Social Services poisoned the Federal counterpart who funded this program, Canadian Heritage concerning the Lowerys.  So their vendetta continued and without getting into it affects us to date.All the details are within my legal documents attached.

  These government funding agencies did not consider that Aboriginal leadership and youth actually chose our programs to receive funding. The majority of the participants benefited immensely. Yet, it was more important to ‘play politics’ and ‘get rid of me’ and bring down The Anchorage.

This is a copy of the brochure for the program Healing the Nation-One Family At Time. The evaluation of the program may be attached later. *A full bound copy of it is on the court file for anyone to see.

* The logo on the brochure depicts the inter-cultural emphasis for this program with a focus on a target group of ‘at risk’ First Nations/Aboriginal young adults with families’. The blacklisting was now ‘ramped-up’ when this ministry realized it was I who was once again operating a rehab program on government funding.

The Coup

So this ministry, who ‘had a bone-to-pick’ with me because of my stance with them on the protection of my grandchildren,’headed-up’ a coup. * Note the definition of coup as stated by noun, “coup in battle by a single warrior, as touching or striking an enemy /warrior without sustaining injury oneself.


* Their attack was like that of a ‘wolverine’-vicious, unsuspecting and lethal!



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