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7 For oppression makes a wise man mad, And a bribe corrupts the heart. Ecclesiastes 7:7 The Bible



One afternoon the Attorney General, Saskatchewan Government via their lawyer, Mr. Darryl Brown couriered to me a proposal to waive their Bill of Costs if I’d give-up certain of my legal rights which would also impact my grandchildren. I termed this proposal-The Bribe.

If I agreed to The Bribe the Attorney General, Saskatchewan Government proposed it would have benefited them of course.


the Briber

The other 4 lawyers were not in on Mr. Brown’s proposal. I am uncertain why they never have provided me their final Bill of Costs as they are privy to serve me them since I lost, as were the courts able to do so. Perhaps this Attorney General paid their Bill of Costs for these Defendants-what do you think?

Once I receive all Bills of Costs I will post them and my response.

If agreed to The Bribe ‘I would have sold my soul’ for ‘thirty pieces of silver’ just like Judas did and I’d not be able to live with myself, just like he couldn’t.

 My loved ones can be privy to all of this and use whatever information and documents they need to, to receive justice as I also am at liberty to do.

It is worthwhile noting that twice I approached the Attorney General for the Saskatchewan Government with Offers to Settle, requesting they ‘take responsibility’ for the other defendants which were all of their scapegoats, namely: three medical doctors, one psychologist, and those on the Regina City Police force.

As well, I included the two proposed defendants, the Attorney General, Government of Canada and even Joyce LaPrise.

My Reply To ‘The Bribe’

is at this link: 




One Comment

  1. Leonard Borowski

    Please see Rural zoning in Sask.

    Not only the is the Sask. Government Corrupt, but includes the highest Court in the Sask.

    See Justice Gary Lane, Danyliuk, Richards, Acton, and many more corrupt Judges listed as “Judges on the Take” and/or for HIRE

    Now as of late see Why tower Road website and the Global Transportation Hub Scandal with Bill Boyd and 21 million questions?

    The “Emperor’s new Clothes” The Devine/wall infamous Government.

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